lk Grove Township is accepting school supply donations now through July 31, 2018 at 11 locations throughout the Township. Supplies will be distributed to children before the 2018-2019 school year begins.
“This program allows children to focus on what is important, which is being prepared to learn on the very first day of school,” said Elk Grove Township Supervisor Mike Sweeney. “Back to School Blast Off! helps to make sure that a lack of financial resources does not have an impact on a child’s education.”
Among the most needed items for donations are:
- #2 Pencils (mechanical or regular)
- Trapper Binders
- Backpacks
- Two Packet Folders (waterproof)
- Accordion Folders
- 3 Ring Binders
- Scissors
- Plastic Pencil/Crayon Boxes
- Markers/Pens
- Glue Sticks
- Composition Notebooks (small black and white, hard cover)
- Multi-Colored Highlighters
- Tissue Boxes
- Paper Towels
- 1 Subject Notebooks
- Loose Leaf Paper (wide-ruled).
Drop off locations are listed below and divided by the Village they are located in:
- Arlington Heights:
Elk Grove Township (2400 S. Arlington Heights Road)
Community Consolidated School District 59 (2123 S. Arlington Heights Road)
Parkway Bank (1408 W. Algonquin Road) - Elk Grove Village:
Parkway Bank (951 Meacham Road)
Christus Victor Lutheran Church (1045 S. Arlington Heights Road)
Saint Julian Eymard Catholic Church (601 Biesterfield Road)
Elk Grove Park District Hattendorf Center (225 E. Elk Grove Boulevard)
Elk Grove Park District Pavilion (1000 Wellington Avenue)
Shinnyo-en Chicago (120 E. Devon Avenue)
Prince of Peace UMC (1400 Arlington Heights Road) - · Des Plaines:
Frisbie Senior Center (52 E. Northwest Highway)
School supplies can be dropped off at any of the above locations until July 31 during normal business hours. For more information, visit or call 847-437-0300 and ask for Director of General Assistance Lisa Menich.