Elk Grove Township Youth Services Responds to Pandemic After-Effects

An experiential-based approach is taken, which focuses not only on the challenges experienced by young people, but also highlights current strengths and encourages drawing upon them in social situations. Registration is based on need, age/grade and emotional maturity, and groups run from six to eight weeks. Fall groups include: YSD also partners with District 59 schools and provides services in individual classrooms, as well as through small groups or school assemblies. The emphasis is on building social and emotional skills so youth can be successful in the unique culture for each classroom or group they are involved in. Community building is encouraged, and useful strategies are provided to overcome challenges and issues they may be experiencing. “The Township’s Youth Services Department is focused on helping our young people transition back to school, at a time where many understandably have apprehensions and concerns based on their experiences since the pandemic began,” said Elk Grove Township Supervisor George Busse. “What we are working to address is so extremely important to ensure they can develop emotionally and possess the social skills they need to thrive as they go back to school in person.” YSD can provide services to various organizations at their facilities and/or at the Township building located at 600 Landmeier Road in Elk Grove Village. Youth Services has provided programming to such organizations as the scouts, church groups, police departments and libraries where sessions include topics such as social, emotional, life skills, regulating stress, peer pressure, bullying and empowerment. “We challenge kids to improve upon their life skills and give them the tools they need to be successful in their families, with friends at school and in their future work lives,” said YSD Director Renee Dorn. For more information or to register, call YSD at 847-981-0373 or email rdorn@elkgrovetownship.com.

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