
Elk Grove Township is committed to providing residents with the level of services and programs that best fit their wants and needs.


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The Township offers a variety of free programs and services to help residents regain control of their lives and achieve self-sufficiency. Learn more about the many valuable resources available to you.

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Elk Grove Township Social Services 2023 Highlights

Current Social Service programs are addressing needs throughout Elk Grove Township, and new services are helping even more residents.

Elk Grove Township offers a range of social services and programs that benefit many different populations and needs in the township community. Learn more about these services and if you know of someone who would benefit, please be sure to share this information:

Pictured above is the Fusion Xtreme Cheer team wrapping holiday presents for the Older Adult Angel Tree program.

General Assistance: Monthly financial assistance to help residents, 18 and older, to meet basic needs, including shelter, food, transportation and utilities.

Emergency Assistance: Provides financial support (issued once during a 24-month period) due to a crisis circumstance that may include eviction or disconnection of utilities.

CEDA Programs: Known commonly as LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) this program offers one-time financial assistance during a calendar year to pay heating and electricity bills for income-eligible households.

Food Pantry: A “client choice” model, the Food Pantry allows individuals to select items that they prefer. All township residents are invited to utilize the Food Pantry; new clients should bring a utility bill. ID, and arrive 15 minutes early to register.

Medical Lending Closet: Township residents can borrow a wide variety of gently used medical equipment for up to three months at a time. Curbside pickup is available upon request.

Employment Assistance: Our new website has a Jobs Board which helps township residents identify local job opportunities. In addition, the township’s employment counselor can assist jobseekers in updating their resumes and improving their job interview skills.

To learn more about these and other programs/services, please click on the “Services” tab in the upper-right-hand corner of the website.

In addition to the programs mentioned above, other township programs have recently been created to meet new or growing community needs. They include:

The township added an Older Adult Programming and Support Specialist to help streamline services and offer more resources for seniors. This individual manages the Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP), is a certified counselor, assists with Mobile Dental Clinic screenings, navigates the Benefit Access Program and more. Township seniors can make an appointment by calling 2244-222-0942.

The “Older Adult Angel Tree” is a new program that served 164 lower-income seniors who received gifts of their choosing for the holidays. Additionally, 124 children were sponsored through the “Hope for Holidays” program, where gift cards were given to in-need parents to purchase gifts for their children.

The Township would like to thank the Fusion Xtreme Cheer team, whose enthusiastic support of the township’s holiday programs made a huge difference! This group of young people not only dedicated their time to wrapping gifts for the Older Adult Angel Tree but also filled stockings with candy to support the Hope for Holidays program.

Community groups, such as Girl Scouts/Boy Scouts, athletic teams, nonprofits and others looking to donate or give back through volunteering are encouraged to follow the township on its social media channels- including Facebook, Instagram, X and LinkedIn to learn more about upcoming events. 

Monetary or food donations to help support neighbors in need can be made in person during regular business hours, Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monetary donations can also be mailed to: Elk Grove Township, 600 Landmeier Rd, Elk Grove Village, IL, 60007 or accepted online by clicking the “Ways to Donate” button in the upper-right-hand corner of the website.

For any questions, please call the township at 847-437-0300.