
Elk Grove Township is committed to providing residents with the level of services and programs that best fit their wants and needs.


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Elk Grove Township Offers Free Virtual Counseling in April and May

Amid the Stay at Home Order due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Township is continuing to offer core services in different ways from its new location.

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, Elk Grove Township is offering many of its services, though some are being delivered differently compared to just one month ago. The Township is also now officially working out of its new location in Elk Grove Village.

Challenging times such as these can cause a variety of strain on individuals and families and result in feelings of isolation, fear, and elevated stress levels. Because counseling cannot be offered in person due to the Stay at Home order, teletherapy (video) counseling sessions are being provided instead – which is free for Township residents during the months of April and May. These sessions are completely confidential and secure, and compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Counseling is available for individuals and families, and can address a range of mental issues, including depression and anxiety, family conflicts, stress-related illnesses, and more. Therapists are trained to address child/teen issues including negative behavior, ADHD and spectrum disorders. To learn more and to schedule an appointment, please call the Youth and Family Services Department at 847-981-0373 and ask for Dean or Robin.

“The Township is focused on empowering people who are experiencing challenges in life, and with the added stress of this pandemic, many of our residents need support now more than ever,” said Elk Grove Township Supervisor Mike Sweeney. “The Township pursued the teletherapy option to comply with the Governor’s orders, while still providing what is a vital service for many individuals and families.”

While counseling is being provided virtually, Township residents can still utilize the food pantry, which is now located at the Township’s new Elk Grove Village location, 600 Landmeier Road. The food pantry is available ‘drive-through’ Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon until 3:00 p.m. New users need to provide proof of residency with a driver’s license or state ID, and a copy of a current utility bill. Food pantry clients are asked to access this service via the west entrance of the building near the stoplight at Tonne Road. Please contact the Social Services Department at 847-437-0300.

Other services include transportation on the Township bus for the elderly and disabled, which is limited to essential trips for dialysis and other medical appointments, in addition to grocery stores and pharmacies. The Township Assessor’s Office is also fully staffed and available via phone to answer real estate tax questions.

For more information and to learn how to access services, please call 847-437-0300 or visit elkgrovetownship.com.