The CEF Board of Directors oversees and approves the distribution of funds. The funds have been used for a multitude of social service purposes, all of which benefit residents of Elk Grove Township. Funding examples include pest control services for a low-income family with a major infestation problem, the purchase of a water heater for an elderly veteran who had been without hot water for six months, and specialty prescription eyeglasses for a child with debilitating vision issues.
“The overarching goal of the Community Empowerment Fund is to help keep every Township resident and family safe and secure,”said CEF Board member Corey Dewey. “There are situations where the Township assistance programs can not fully address a problem. With CEF funding we are able to help them meet those special needs.”
CEF hosted a fundraiser in early November in downtown Mount Prospect to both raise funds to support their work but also to create more visibility for the Fund and its purpose. Board member Kevin Kinsella thanked the businesses that helped sponsor the fundraiser and pointed out that CEF is dependent on donations from community businesses and residents for the funds needed to carry out its important mission. According to Kinsella, “Individual donations, business donations, office fundraisers and matching gifts are all greatly appreciated by us and those we assist.”
For individuals who would like to know more about the Community Empowerment Fund please call Corey Dewey at 224-222-0944. Those who would like to make a donation can make checks payable to “Community Empowerment Fund” and mail or drop off the checks at the Elk Grove Township offices, 600 Landmeier Road, Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007.